How to Sell Your Home Quickly This Spring | Webbers Estate Agents - Webbers

How to Sell Your Home Quickly This Spring | Webbers Estate Agents

26th February 2025


Tips and Tricks


Whether you are searching for tips on how to present your house in a way that will attract buyers in The South West , or seeking advice to sell your property fast, you've come to the right place. Whatever the case may be, trying to sell your house quickly can be incredibly stressful.

If you’re thinking about selling your home in The South West this spring and want a quick sale, then here are our tips to help you find a buyer in no time at all.

Seven Ways to Entice Prospective Buyers to Show Interest in Your House

Find the Right Buyer

While it’s natural to want to achieve the highest possible price for your property, it may be worth sacrificing a small amount to get a sale completed as quickly as possible.

For example, one buyer may offer you the full asking price but be part of a long chain, whereas a first-time buyer may come in with a slightly lower offer but with no chain to consider.

So if you’re looking to sell in a hurry, then it may be worth your while choosing a buyer who’s ready to go quickly, even if it costs you a bit of money in the short-term.

Give Your Home a Lick of Paint

Buyers will be far more attracted to a property that’s ready to move into immediately, and you don’t need to spend a fortune getting the place ready, either. A fresh coat of paint will do the job, even if it’s just a touch-up rather than a full paint job.

Go for neutral colours, too, such as an off-white or magnolia. Buyers want to imagine themselves living in the property they’re viewing, so giving them a blank canvas will be far more appealing than jungle-themed wallpaper, for example!

Boost Kerb Appeal

Many buyers will make up their minds about a property before they’ve even stepped foot inside.

If you’ve allowed the front garden to become overgrown, or your overflowing wheelie bins are blocking the path then it’s time to get the gardening gloves on and tidy it up.

Add a hanging basket or two, or some pots, and perhaps touch up any paintwork if you want to really make an impression.

Show off your Home's Assets

You want to show your property in its best light, so that means highlighting everything that’s good about it.

For example, you may have been using the second bedroom as a dumping ground for all your old coats or magazines, but buyers will want to see how they can use the space as a second bedroom.

So clear all the clutter out of sight, make the bed and let buyers see what it’s meant to be used for.


This ties in nicely with showing off your property’s assets. Buyers want to see a property that’s well looked after and don't want to be overwhelmed with clutter when they walk through the door.

So if you have been using the understairs cupboard for junk or piling up paperwork in the sitting room then it’s time for a clearout. And there’s the added bonus of potentially making a few pounds by selling some of your unwanted possessions.

Fix any Minor Issues

When you’re living in a place, it’s easy to overlook a missing lightbulb, a damaged fence or a cracked window.

However, if you’re looking to sell, then these minor issues are all things that buyers could pick up on, and which might put them off making an offer.

Some buyers may see minor issues like these as a sign of potentially bigger issues elsewhere, and it gives them the impression that the house isn’t well maintained generally.

So before you come to sell, just take some time to sort out those odd jobs that you’ve been putting off.

Clean Your House

You don’t need to get the professionals in or spend all day doing a deep clean, but before any viewings just make sure you’ve whizzed round with the vacuum and a duster, emptied the bins and tidied up.

You’d be amazed how much of a difference it can make to buyers, and it’s further proof that you take pride in your property and maintain it to a good standard.


Webbers are your local property experts for the The South West area. Call us on 01271 347851 or email to chat with a member of our friendly and experienced estate agent team. We will help you sell your house fast, and get the value you deserve.

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